Hold your baby a lot
Don't worry about spoiling baby, as that won't be a problem at this age. Your baby needs to feel secure, needs to feel you and smell you. You are your baby's entire universe, his warmth, his food and his security, and as such you will form a strong bond with your baby.
Sleep with your baby
It’s a good idea to sleep half the time with your baby, and half the time let baby sleep in bassinet or crib so you can sleep soundly in order to get enough rest. Sleeping with your baby forms a strong bond with your baby.
Sing to your baby
Nothing is as wonderful as mommy’s voice; singing to your baby and subsequently bonding with your baby. Thus, no matter how you sing, it will be like a heavenly choir to him.
Try to forget about outside concerns
Outside concerns include your job or housework. There will be more than enough time for all that later. The first few weeks of your baby's life are extremely special and you will never regret having spent the extra time to nurture and bond with your baby.
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